Sunday, March 15, 2009

Truth is truth. Period.

What saddens me are the number of people I come across who expect me to "convince" them as to why something is un-Biblical.

The Scriptures speak for themselves.
Those who truly study scripture for WHAT IT SAYS (not the erroneous additions and interpretations that man adds to it) will clearly be able to detect what is truth and what is deception.

If truth is what sets the heart free then the opposite is also true: what is not truth puts the heart into some kind of bondage, deception, etc. So if truth liberates then error and deception bind up.
So if you're still following me on this...what is the antidote to coming out of deception?
If you know the truth, it shall set you free from everything that has masqueraded as truth and brought in its poisonous deceptions.

All through the New Covenant, book after book is filled with warnings about false teachers that present a new gospel. How is one to detect the "strange new gospel"
Because Sha'ul (Paul) said "if anyone preaches a gospel OTHER THAN the one we preach to you, do not listen to them." So you must understand the true gospel in order to detect that which is false.

A false gospel often copies parts of the true Gospel which is its deception. It's much harder to detect when it quotes from the same Bible and uses the name of G-d and makes references to some of the same things. But here's the clincher: it must produce the SAME fruit as the Gospel of our Messiah Yeshua or it is a false doctrine of demons designed by the evil one to deceive G-d's people by adding to truth a carefully worded mixture of man's interpretations.

The Gospel is about making disciples who walk in the mitzvot (teachings) of Adonai and producing the fruit of freedom, salvation, deliverance, healing and an ongoing maturity and growth in relationship to the character and nature of G-d.

In the entire time I was affiliated with the International House of Prayer, I never...not one time...heard a single invitation for salvation, met one person who became a believer by coming to IHOP or heard the Gospel of repentance that Yeshua preached for the forgiveness of sins ever be taught.

IHOP siphons people away from their home churches/congregations to join the "missions base" and devote themselves to IHOP's model of doing Christianity. So they appeal only to those who are already believers and do not reach out to deliver the good news of the gospel...
instead, they seek to only recruit new "staff" to come and join IHOP.

This is just one red flag of a "different gospel"